Fur Elise for Guitar

Here’s a fun arrangement of Beethoven’s famous piano piece Fur Elise. I was playing around on a Godin guitar synth with a piano sound and started trying to play it. Then I realised that it works quite well on guitar (for the most part!). Performance and tutorial coming this week!   Interactive Play-Along Track  

Vivaldi’s Summer (Guitar) arr. Sergio Ercole

      Here is the second instalment of my Four Seasons by Vivaldi guitar arrangements. This is the presto from Summer which I have modulated to Am from Gm minor. It is quite advanced, I hope you enjoy! Interactive Play-Along Track  

Libertango for Latin Guitar

  Astor Piazzola was an Argentine tango composer, bandoneon player, and arranger. His works revolutionized the traditional tango into a new style termed nuevo tango, incorporating elements from jazz and classical music. One of his most famous pieces is called Libertango which roughly translates to freedom tango.   The Tango feel  should be brought out […]

Artemis by Sergio Ercole

This is a new composition written in a Zapateado triplet feel. It’s a great work out on the hands as it pushes through constant dance like quaver feel. There are also some stretches and great cross string passages. Hope you enjoy!     Sheet music and TAB    

Winter by Antonio Vivaldi – Solo Guitar Arrangement

  Here is my new arrangement of Winter by Vivaldi. To be precise it’s Concerto No 4 in F minor , Op 8 RV 297 “Water”. First movement Allegro Non Molto. I have changed the key to D minor which works better on guitar. Sheet music and TAB    

Pleiades by Sergio Ercole

Here’s a new composition I have been working on the last two weeks I call Pleiades.  It features alternate tuning D A D F# B E. This tuning opens up interesting possibilities of harmony and resonance. The sheet music is below and available to LGM Members. I am still tweaking it and will finalise the […]

LGM EP5: Paco Pena, Bill Kanengiser and news!

00:00:00 Hi, welcome back to the channel. In this episode, Latin Guitar Mastery Podcast Episode 5, I’m going to be covering topics around Paco Pena, his visit to Australia and my interview with him. Also, some collaborations that I’ve been doing with guitarists online. We’ll also talk a little bit about updates to the blog, […]

Rumba Gitana

Here is a new Rumba I wrote in B minor and also with F# tuning. It has some tricky bar chords and stretches but I think the opening minor 6 chord really captures a mood!     Sheet music and TAB    

Improve Your Guitar Tremolo

After my recent performance of Nightless Night, some people have been asking me for tips to improve their guitar tremolo. So I have made a tutorial on this and included some exercises below (for LGM Members).   Sheet music and TAB