Artemis by Sergio Ercole

This is a new composition written in a Zapateado triplet feel. It’s a great work out on the hands as it pushes through constant dance like quaver feel. There are also some stretches and great cross string passages. Hope you enjoy!     Sheet music and TAB    

Rumba Gitana

Here is a new Rumba I wrote in B minor and also with F# tuning. It has some tricky bar chords and stretches but I think the opening minor 6 chord really captures a mood!     Sheet music and TAB    

Rumba Festiva

This is new original piece I wrote inspired by the Rumba Flamenco form. I have also added a Brasilian/Latin feel in the middle section. See below for the music or you can also purchase it in the sheet music shop. Guitar tutorial coming this week! Interactive Sheet Music/TAB

The magic of Alzapua

One of the most magical and fun techniques I have learned form flamenco is there Alzapua technique. In this lesson I will show you how to play a smooth and even Alzapua technique. Alzapua is a flamenco technique which is played with the Rh thumb. The RH thumb will play a sequence of down and […]

Flamenco Rumba

The flamenco Rumba is one of the most popular forms and also one of the simplest. Though many of the flamenco styles os palos are based on counting to 12m the Rumba is in 4/4. We count 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2 with the 1 being accented. The first beta usually is accented with a golpe, the 4th beat […]

Malaguena Guitar Solo

The Malagueña is a Spanish dance that originated in the Spanish city of Malaga. It features a 3/4 feel and a familiar bass arpeggio that returns throughout. There are many versions of this dance and it is found in both Spanish classical and flamenco as well. This version offers some fun and challenge for intermediate […]

Inspiration by Gipsy Kings Guitar Tutorial

Inspiration is an instrumental piece written and performed by The Gipsy Kings on their self-titled album. It has a fast Rumba feel which is typical of their music. In this lesson, we will look at the opening chords and melodic passages played over these changes. \ Sheet Music – TAB / Lesson Notes     […]

Moorea by Gipsy Kings Guitar Tutorial

Here is the opening of Moorea by Gipsy Kings. We will look at the chord progression and then the chord riff that is played above that. The Gipsy Kings were a popular Latin group of the 90s (though they are still around today), they helped to popularise Latin guitar, combining flamenco and South American elements. […]

Mediterranean Sundance Latin Guitar Tutorial

Mediterranean Sundance is an iconic Latin guitar piece written by Paco De Lucia and Al De Meola. It was a featured track Al De Meola’s album Elegant Gypsy. It was later reworked and released by The Guitar Trio which consisted of Al De Meola, Paco De Lucia and John McLaughlin on the live album Friday […]

Entre Dos Aguas – Alzapua Passage

    In this guitar tutorial, I’ll show you how to play this Alzapua passage in Entre Dos Aguas by Paco De Lucia. This is a descending pattern in E minor also known as the Andalusian Cadence starting with Em – D – C – B7. The melody is in the bass part and seeing […]