Danza Brasilera (Braslian Dance) by Jorge Morel
This Brasilian dance is by Argentinian guitarist and composer Jorge Morel’s and his most famous piece. It has a fast and lively tempo with a samba feel, and there are also elements of choro found here. Let’s explore the first half of the piece including the technical and musical challenges.
Full Score, Interactive Play-Along Track and Lesson Notes
Dominic Swords
Hey, another great choice of piece. And another one I had not known before. As you say, it has a few tricky elements but def accessible to a fingerstyle player wanting to explore such songs. FYI I am delighted that you provide lots of varied material. Would be easy to be a child in a sweetshop and try everything all at once. I am trying to be disciplined in maintaining a ‘three at a time’ learning process learning a piece/technique that feels pretty much under my fingers, another that is WIP and a third that is new. And having daily practice time. Danza Brazilera yesterday became my new piece, Beasame Mucho (from an older post of yours) is ‘under the fingers’ (it made an appearance at a local folk club recently) and that middle choice is playing around with some of your improv ideas. I’m personally attracted to and loving the Latin Jazz and Brazilian material. BTW the last two vids only seem to appear in YT and not on your blog post. Is that intentional or should I be looking into my browser set up? I’ve logged out and back in and did the old switch off/on trick to reset but still no link from the post. Anyhow thanks for all the fantastic learning you inspire. Dominic
Thanks for the heads up, I have added the videos to the posts. Three at a time is a good strategy, I’m not entirely sure how people consume the content but I could suggest some strategies like this as an idea. Thanks for your feedback it’s really useful for me to improve the website features and also what is working.
Dominic Swords
Hi I am really enjoying learning this piece. Some elements feel familiar while others are quite new to my fingers. Bar 5 is quite tricky to get it nicely crisp as you go from that E7 to the Am6 shape. Not chord voicings that are on my everyday list of playing!!! It feels great when you go from bewildered ‘how will I ever play this section’ to ‘hey I just did it’!! Now, can I check – on the F chord of the Andalusian Cadence, the tab shows a three fingered chord including C (first fret B string) whereas it looks/sounds like you play an open B. That descending cadence using two fingered chords feels right. Can you confirm which is right? Moving on and looking forward to the next section when you get time to put that together. Thanks Dominic
Thanks for the heads up, you’re right it is a B not a C so I’ve adjusted the score. I’ll post some performance notes on the next section soon
Hi, great tutorial! I found it easy to memorise with the way you broke it down. Is there a tutorial planned for the second half of the piece?
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for your comment, yes I will add a part 2 soon!